4 Practical Tips For Limiting Screen Time

*This post was sponsored by Moms Meet on behalf of Circle Media Labs.  All opinions are my own.  


I am not anti-screen and I personally allow my son weekday screen time.  Between school, sport commitments and other activities, he needs downtime.  So, after we return home from the day, he can watch TV or play games on our iPad to unwind for a little bit before we start homework and our evening routine.  He would get maybe an hour or two a day and that was before March 2020.

Then the Covid-19 pandemic happened.  

It led to a worldwide lockdown and school closures which also meant more time spent at home.  As a result, the world as we know it changed so did our relationship with our screens.  Simply put, when we are not outside, our electronic devices are on.  However, while there’s no doubt screen time has some value, too much is not ideal.  As a parent, it’s important that I try to find a balance and provide my little one with activities that are screen-free options.  So, if you are wondering how I limit screen time for my son, here are four practical ways.

Go outside

Now that we are stuck at home, getting outside is a good idea and who doesn’t love a picnic?  

I don’t know about you, but there’s just something special eating outdoors and getting some fresh air.  It’s fun, inexpensive and allow us to catch up in between bites to talk about anything and everything.  

Of course, going outside isn’t just about the food, it also offers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors and be physically active.  Often, we’d bring his bike or scooter so he can go around the park for as long as his little legs would allow.  Once he is tired from biking or his scooter, I’d push him on the swing, play on the slides or simply enjoy Mother Nature.  The best part, though, once we are outside, my son forgets about the TV or iPad.  

My son on a scooter outside another way for limiting screen time


Being a mama means my days are busy and my hands always full.  Screen time is an easy answer.  My son loves it, and it can occupy a lot of time.  But if I am being honest, he would prefer to play or do things with me.  Therefore, instead of suggesting screen time, I get the little man involved with what I am doing around the house.  Between cooking and cleaning, I can always use an extra hand.  So, whether it’s making our favorite peanut butter protein snack bites, dusting, cooking pancakes or folding laundry, getting my son involved in chores is a great screen-free alternative.  Not only does cooking or cleaning teach my little guy basic skills in life but it’s also a wonderful way to establish a sense of teamwork and responsibility.  

My son and I near a grill an option for limiting screen time

Open-ended Toys

Keeping some hands-on activity like arts and crafts or open-ended toys readily available is another great way to provide screen-free options.  

For instance, my son is at a stage now where he just loves to build.  He can play by himself for 30 minutes up to an hour with his favorite toys.  From building tall towers and structures, to constructing rocket ships, he always surprises me with what he can build and create.  In fact, we have several marble-runs and magnetic tile sets at home that he loves and take out almost every day to play with.  Not only do these toys provide literally hours and hours of fun, but they can be assembled in many ways.  So, essentially, it’s like playing with a different toy every single time he sets it up and what kid doesn’t love that?! What’s more is it keeps him occupied and lets him have fun while giving our devices a break.   

Limiting Screen Time Photo with Open-ended Toys

Use a Parental App

Finally, let’s be honest, sometimes we all have those days when nothing seems to work.  

This is where Circle Home Plus comes in.  

Circle Home Plus offers parental controls for your kids’ devices and makes the impossible task of managing screen time easy.  This simple box from Circle Media Labs plugs right into your home router and lets you manage your child’s electronic device.  With just a few simple steps for configuration, voila, you are in charge!*

Through an app, I can immediately block or pause internet access, establish a bedtime, set up multiple users and limit time spent in specific apps.  For example, I don’t want our little guy browsing the internet without parental supervision.  I was able to block this feature.  

Another benefit is if you have an older child, the Circle Home Plus helps you track their location as well as monitor their activity on social media.  With it, you can detect inappropriate content on your child’s device and set rules appropriately.   

(*Side note: During my setup, I had trouble getting the Circle Home Plus device detected on the app.  The app crashed on my phone a few times even after clearing data.  I eventually deleted the app and reinstalled it.  It seemed to work fine once reinstalled and going through the app was a breeze).

If you are interested about trying a parental app, Circle Media Labs is offering 20% on your purchase of a Circle Home Plus device + 1-year app subscription or Circle Home Plus device + Lifetime app subscription.  Visit momsmeet.link/circlehomeplusshop and use promo code MOMSMEET2021 at checkout.  Offer is valid until 10/15/21.

Circle Home Plus Photo for Limiting Screen Time

Final Thoughts

In this age where technology reigns king, it can be extremely hard to know how much screen time is too much.  There is no one size fits all solution and it can feel like a never-ending battle.  That said, each family is going to have different limits and screen time usage.  Therefore, determining what is best for you and your family will involve a bit of trial and error.  So, rather than feeling guilty that your kids are growing up in front of a screen, do what works. You know your kids better than anyone and ultimately the best person to help them understand what the hidden dangers of too much screen time are and why they need limits.  

Now it’s your turn.  Tell me, how do you encourage less screen time? 


  1. Lynn | 4th May 21

    Oh my! First off, you guys have a gorgeous view! That photo in front of the grill looks great! I don’t have any kiddos of my own yet but I have lots of nieces and nephews and when they stay over, I encourage crafts, going for adventure walks, and hanging out in the backyard! Thanks for sharing xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  2. Aliya | 4th May 21

    Thanks, for sharing. I’ll definitely be trying some of these tips. I’ve been trying my best to limit my daughter screen time but been slacking since the pandemic.

  3. Shea | 4th May 21

    These are great tips! I’m so thankful the weather has been nice lately so the kids can go outside, and we’re big fans of open-ended toys around here too, like Legos, Lincoln Logs, and Magna-tiles. I’ve heard about that app too, I might have to check it out!

  4. Cristina | 3rd May 21

    Good suggestions, especially the open-ended toys. I also allow some screen time for my son but it’s always good to have activities lined up that don’t involve electronic gadgets.

  5. Heather Behrends | 3rd May 21

    Yes! This! I’m a big fan of moderation, so sometimes we end up with probably too much screen time and sometimes no screen time at all, just depending on the day/week’s circumstances. But a few things we do to help limit it, in general, are to spend time outside, play sports, and play games as a family.

  6. Grace | 2nd May 21

    These are great tips! Getting outside is even something I use myself. I find myself really needing to get out these days since I spend so much time cooped up in my apartment on my laptop.

    Miles of smiles,


  7. Samantha Laycock | 2nd May 21

    Yes getting outside is so important. Now that our weather is starting to get nicer, I can’t wait for endless sunshine.

  8. Nora Minassian | 2nd May 21

    Yes it has to be tough to navigate this with little ones. I am glad my son is a young adult and I don’t have to deal with that anymore. But these are some great tips!

  9. Danielle | 2nd May 21

    These are great tips. I limit my daughter’s screen time as well. We encourage a ton of imaginative play.

  10. Clarice | 1st May 21

    I agree with you that the best way to limit screen time is to provide more outdoor activities for the kids. It keeps them distracted from wanting to binge on youtube or online games. Thank you for sharing these tips. Super appreciate it.

  11. Brittany | 1st May 21

    So glad it’s getting nice here so we can spend more time outdoors. Getting outdoors is a life saver.

  12. Gervin Khan | 1st May 21

    Great tips! Doing household chores and letting the kids playing outside are the best way for me to limit my kids screen time activities.

  13. Forever My Little Moon | 30th Apr 21

    We have a kindle tablet for our daughter that shuts off after 2 hours, it’s great! We don’t limit screen time as she’s really good at moderating it herself. She’ll turn it off and play with her toys. Plus I’ll take her outside so she’s not tempted to watch TV.

  14. Rachael | 30th Apr 21

    Limiting screen time can be so hard. We love our parental control app. So helpful. Going outside is a favorite thing to do here and always chosen before screen time!

  15. Anna Marcus | 29th Apr 21

    When my kids were growing up, we didn’t have iphones or ipads etc but they spent a lot of time watching TV. I was trying to do similar things to distract them from the screen, your tips resonate with my experience 🙂

  16. Amber | 27th Apr 21

    These are all great tips! Thank you for sharing. =)

    I hope you are having a great week so far!


    Visit AvecAmber.com

    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

  17. EM ALEJANDRINO | 27th Apr 21

    Great practical tips. Very helpful/ Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  18. Ashley | 27th Apr 21

    These are great tips- I’m sure it can be super tough to really limit screen time (without fights!) during the pandemic. Going outside is such a great idea- we can all use more fresh air!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. Nina | 26th Apr 21

    Such great tips, thanks for sharing!
    xx- Nina

  20. Kimmy | 25th Apr 21

    Very good tips! we are in the process of limiting screen time

  21. Laura Bambrick | 24th Apr 21

    These are all such great ideas! I try to have my children do chores and help me as well!

  22. Jessica A Jannenga | 24th Apr 21

    Hi Maureen!
    I love your ideas! I was against my 10 yr old neice getting her own phone, but was happy to hear she is now doing things outside . It took some time, but she is now swimming and playing tennis. Things are so different from when I grew up and we played outside all day! I love that you suggest activities and that your son helps you out around the house. I am sure he just loves being with you. Also great idea about the creative toys- legos, building, things that encourage creativity. My niece is going back to the classroom in the Fall . Your son is getting tall!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  23. Shelbee on the Edge | 24th Apr 21

    Oh wow, Maureen, what a wonderful post! The screen time issue really is a never ending battle and I have to say that I felt a sense of great relief at the end when you said that there is no one size fits all solution. I seriously feel like a giant failure when it comes to limiting my kids’ screen time. This year has been so difficult followed by the longest winter ever…and I definitely lost the battle! These tips were such great reminders to keep things moving in the right direction. Thanks for sharing!


  24. Amy Johnson | 24th Apr 21

    Such great tips! I always let my kids have an hour or two of tv a day. It gave me a break too! And they are both smart, well-adjusted adults with college degrees and one has her Masters. What an incredible Mountain View you have!

  25. At Home with Zan | 23rd Apr 21

    Hi Maureen,
    (Found you throw Link Up on the Edge Linky Party)

    In these days of electronics, it sure is difficult to keep things under control. I don’t think I have heard about Circle Home Plus but it sounds like a great app to help keep things under control. Our kids do some of what you mentioned above, go outside to play, use open ended toys, help a little around the house, color, draw, etc. and electronic is still managed but it could get too much if we don’t monitor.

  26. Fonda @Savvy Southern Chic | 23rd Apr 21

    These are all great ideas! After a year of telework, I’m sick of screens. I know some adults who could stand to manage their own screen time as well.

  27. Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin | 22nd Apr 21

    Great tips!

  28. Michele Morin | 22nd Apr 21

    I was raising my kids just as the use of internet in homes was beginning, and I have so much respect (and sympathy!) for present day parents who are navigating this well.

  29. Amanda | 21st Apr 21

    These are great tips!!! I am always looking for things to combat screens! My son is 20 months old so we aren’t to the point where screens are something he cares about, but I know it’s coming! Thanks for the tips, mama!

  30. Ivan Jose | 21st Apr 21

    I love this post because I can relate to this so much. My wife and I are also limiting our sons’ screen time and we found that going outside in the front yard to play is a big help. Plus, we all get to exercise, too.

  31. Shauna | 21st Apr 21

    You both are so cute at the grill together! And what a view too 🙂 Being outside really helped me this past year. Fresh air was such a HUGE help. Thanks for the tips!



  32. Sarah | 21st Apr 21

    Our first go to when we want to get away from devices is definitely just getting outside.

  33. Jill | 21st Apr 21

    It’s so hard not to spend so much time on the screen this past year. This sounds like a great app!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  34. vidya | 20th Apr 21

    we try to share tv screen time and that helps in couple of ways; one at least we know what we are watching and we are watching it together
    and yes, more time outside has been our preferred way

  35. Charina Rasing | 20th Apr 21

    I encourage my kids to go out for some run instead of watching tv. I want to try the parental app.

  36. Sarah | 20th Apr 21

    These are good ideas. Dealing with covid and the past year, I know my kids are getting a lot more screen time. I know I need to be better about it, so these tips will help!

  37. Tanya | 20th Apr 21

    I’m 💯 with you, it’s all about balance (vs NO screentime all-together)

  38. Marysa | 20th Apr 21

    There is far too much screen time lately. I love these tips and having tools to cut down on screen time too.

  39. Danielle Fox | 20th Apr 21

    Working this balance is really hard some days and super easy with other days. I try to get the kids to the library once a week, or every other if we are busy. Then, when we have fresh books they are so excited to sit in their rooms and read for a few hours.

  40. mireille | 20th Apr 21

    Going outside and reading are usually things that work with my boys! It is easier for me to limit the time on screens when the weather is nice. We have been going to the library once a week lately and the boys play with the neighbors a lot more. I might pick up a marble run this summer. We have been adding some different toys but I need to get rid of some things too that we are not playing with.

  41. Monica Simpson | 19th Apr 21

    Some days I care more than others about limiting screen time. I love the ease of it and how they just need it to relax. I can relate to that!

  42. Rach | 19th Apr 21

    I love that you get him involved around the house. I’ll definitely take that has a lesson use that in the future!


  43. Biana | 19th Apr 21

    Now that the weather is getting better we are all about getting outside, especially since it helps to limit screen time! Plus get that energy out! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  44. Celyn | 18th Apr 21

    I love all these suggestions! Thank you for sharing!

    Life is a Shoe

  45. Lovely | 18th Apr 21

    These are wonderful suggestion to limit screen time. The app sounds great! You both look cute in matching outfits!

  46. jodie filogomo | 18th Apr 21

    Gosh, I mean this is hard even for me. What is too much?? There are days it’s so helpful and advantageous, and others that I just wonder if I’d be better without it. LOL!!

  47. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom | 18th Apr 21

    Establishing a bed time is a good one with this device! I really want to get my kids outside a lot this summer after being inside and on their electronics SO much during Covid.


  48. Bojana | 18th Apr 21

    I love the honesty and also the non-judgmental tone of your voice here 👏. The tips you gave here are awesome and I think they really invite us to be mindful but not put pressure on ourselves for all or nothing. I have to admit that screen time control was much easier for me when the girls were younger but as they’ve grown into teens it’s become a different way of letting go and loosening up the control in order to preserve their independence and grow with them. Challenging but we are learning and growing and continually having conversations to be manage their use and our understanding of the how and why.

    I actually love this post so my I would like to share it with my school parents if you don’t mind.

    bosbodaciousblog.blogspot. ca

  49. Mica | 17th Apr 21

    these are good tips! We bought the kids little tablets for when we went to Europe a couple years ago and they came in so helpful with online learning! We let them play then for 15 minutes on a weekend (sometimes 30 minutes if it’s been rainy or too hot in a heatwave and they are stuck inside!), and we have family movie night on the weekend but other than that they don’t use screens – they prefer playing with toys and playing outside – so thankful we have a big yard and we got them a trampoline for Christmas back in 2019 before everything happened, haha!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend 🙂 Thankfully it hasn’t rained as much as predicted this weekend so we have been able to enjoy time outdoors.

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