How To Get Whiter Teeth With Smile Brilliant and Giveaway

*This post was sponsored by Smile Brilliant.  I was provided Smile Brilliant product in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Motherhood is far from glamorous.  With the endless demands and sacrifices, it’s so easy to lose yourself in the juggling act.  Growing up, my mom always told me to love myself.  To be honest, I had no idea what she was talking about and it wasn’t until I became a mama that her message became clear.  I have learned through my journey as a parent, that to be the best mama you can be, you must feel good about yourself first.

These days, my mornings are my “ME” time.  I love waking up before the world does but more so, before my son does! Not only do mornings signifies a fresh start and a clean slate but it also offers peace and quiet to allow for self-reflection.  But what’s waking up early without a cup of coffee or two or three! If there’s anything you need to know about me, it’s that I love coffee and you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as I wake up, the first thing I am doing is brewing coffee! It’s one of my guilty pleasures and my love affair with this amazing refreshment is not ending any time soon.  Of course, with all good things, there is a downside.  Drinking a lot of coffee can put a damper on your smile and it’s been proven to stain your teeth.

While my teeth have always been relatively white, lately I have noticed that my teeth have started to yellow a bit.  I have used different whitening strips on and off in the past and while they do a good job, the strips do not reach every angle of the tooth.  The strips either fit loosely as I have experienced with Crest Whitestrips or the strips adhesive stick too tightly as I have experienced with the Up and Up brand sold at Target.  So, when Smile Brilliant reached out to me about trying their, at home customized teeth whitening kit, my interest was piqued.  After doing a little research, reading their reviews and seeing amazing customer results, I was completely on board!

Now that I have completed the treatment, I am excited to finally share my thoughts about it today.

So, let’s get started…

What is Smile Brilliant?

Smile Brilliant is an American company based in St. Louis, Missouri that makes professional quality teeth whitening system that is easy to use.  What makes Smile Brilliant unique is that you receive mouth trays custom fitted to your own set of teeth.  The custom trays increase the effectiveness of the whitening process because it allows the whitening gel to get in the nooks and crannies to coat each individual tooth.  Unlike, whitening strips, with a custom tray, there’s no worrying that you are missing a section. It covers all your teeth, not just the front ones.  The other unique aspect that makes Smile Brilliant remarkable is that their products are vegan and cruelty free which means no animal testing and no animal ingredients.  

How it works?

Simply put, Smile Brilliant sends you a kit to make your dental impressions.  The kit has everything you need to create your molds.  Once you have created your impressions and your molds have hardened, you just send them back to Smile Brilliant with the postage paid bubble mailer provided and wait for your trays to arrive back.  Once your tray arrives in the mail, they are ready for use and you can begin whitening at your convenience.

My experience:

As I mentioned above, after I had received my kit, the first step in using Smile Brilliant was to create my teeth impressions.  To be honest, I was a little intimidated at first especially with the mold creation, but the instructions were simple to follow, and the process was truly quick, easy and painless! I was able to take my impressions without any hiccups and sending back my molds to Smile Brilliant was a breeze! After shipping my impressions to the lab, I got an email within 3 business days that my molds have been received and a little bit less than a week after, I received another email to let me know my custom trays were on their way back home to me.  All in all, I got my custom fitted whitening trays back in less than a week.  

Once I received my trays in the mail, I started the whitening process.  Whitening is simple. While I don’t have sensitive teeth, to be on the safe side, I chose to take the process slowly.  The whitening gel works anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours during each application, but I only used my trays for 30 minutes the first time.  Since I didn’t have any discomfort, I worked my way up to whitening for an hour and the whitening sessions take no time at all! I loved that I was able to do the whitening process at my own pace while scrapbooking, playing with my son or reading.  I just pop the trays on and go about my day without any hindrance.  The trays are soft and malleable making them comfortable to wear that I would forget I had them on.

My Results:

Before Photo:

After Photo:

Final Thoughts…

Overall, Smile Brilliant did not disappoint and I give their whitening kit a two-thumbs up! Aside from the process being super easy and so convenient, the product really works as you can see on my before and after photos.  If you have been thinking about whitening your teeth but do not want to pay an arm and a leg at the dentist, I highly recommend you try the Smile Brilliant Professional at Home Teeth Whitening Kit.  


For your chance to win $149 Smile Brilliant credit towards teeth whitening kit, simply click here:

All you need to do is fill in the form with your full name and email address.  The giveaway is open to USA, UK, Australia and Canada residents and will end on August 6th at 11:59 pm.  

Can’t wait? You can purchase your own kit and get a 15% discount with code littlemisscasual15 at check out.

Tooth Whitening Gel


  1. Suchi | 21st Aug 18

    Ever so cute smile and a great post! I’ve used Smile Brilliant and I second you on this one. It’s really awesome 🙂

  2. BojanaK | 20th Aug 18

    I am with you on early mornings being my ” me time”. There something about the world being quite and still that allows me to slowly take on the days happenings in stride.

    I’ve used aomety very similar from the dentist but found the taste icky but quick, as it only took 10 minutes. How was this gels taste?

  3. Cristina - Memories of the Pacific | 15th Aug 18

    The result looks amazing, Maureen! I had my teeth whitened for my wedding and I was very happy with the result too, the problem was the process, the whole month the treatment lasted my teeth were awfully sensitive and I had a hard time.

  4. Helena Primeira | 14th Aug 18

    I did not mind experimenting with something like that. I like the post 🙂

    Helena Primeira
    Helena Primeira Youtube
    Primeira Panos

  5. Rach | 13th Aug 18

    I’ve heard great things about them! Your results look incredible!

  6. Natalie Leung | 11th Aug 18

    Looking great! The teeth whitening makes a huge difference!


  7. Monica | 10th Aug 18

    I’ve used Smile Brilliant before and I absolute love them! Such great results. Thanks for joining my linkup this week!

  8. Vaishali | 9th Aug 18

    I had tried this but something did not go right with me 🙁 Great it worked for you.

  9. Amy's Fashion Blog | 9th Aug 18

    I have heard so many great thing about this product but have yet to try it out. BTW the chambray top you have on is super cute.

  10. Kate | 8th Aug 18

    Gorgeous smile! I used this last year, and wish I had more syringes! <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. Elise | 8th Aug 18

    I absolutely love smile bright! I had my molds made a few years ago and still use them all the time! The results are amazing!

    xx, Elise

  12. Julie Caron | 7th Aug 18

    oh wow, they really look white. I’ve thought about whitening my teeth (they totally need it), but I have sensitive teeth so I’m kind of worried about it. I’m glad to hear that you didn’t have any discomfort.

  13. Ashley | 7th Aug 18

    Yesss, loving your pearly white smile!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. jodie filogomo | 6th Aug 18

    As a retired dentist, I truly think that whiter teeth can make such a difference in our confidence!!

  15. Natalia Gutiérrez | 6th Aug 18

    Your smile is so beautiful and deserving of this! I think I need to invest in this too, my teeth tend to be yellowish even though I don’t drink coffee and I’m a bit of a dental hygiene freak. Nothing can be more beautiful than a white smile 😀

  16. Babita | 6th Aug 18

    Great post! I have never trie this before! You make me to try it out!

    Xoxo Babita

  17. Radi | 5th Aug 18

    Wow I love the after effect. It really works.
    So good to take care of yourself and spend time pampering.

  18. camilla | 5th Aug 18

    Oh, great, a difference. Your teeth are wonderful

  19. Mica | 4th Aug 18

    I’ve seen a lot of people share this kit, I’m glad it worked for you and you got great results with it! 🙂

    Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂 It’s a quiet one here again, we caught another winter bug unfortunately!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  20. Ivana Split | 4th Aug 18

    great teeth whitening product!

  21. Claire | 3rd Aug 18

    Sounds like a great product Maureen. Your teeth are lovely and whiter. I would love to try this as I drink lots of tea and coffee ht stains your teeth. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂

  22. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom | 3rd Aug 18

    I had no idea Smile Brilliant was based out of St. Louis, MO! That is where I live. 🙂 I went through Invisalign, so I use my retainer to put bleach in for whitening my teeth. I usually do it a couple of days every month. It is so nice to have white teeth, you got great results!


  23. Jessica | 2nd Aug 18

    This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this product dear!

    Jessica |

  24. Ellese | 2nd Aug 18

    Wow! That is an incredible difference! I am always curious about a safe way to whiten teeth. This looks fabulous. Xo, Ellese


  25. Laura | 2nd Aug 18

    Wow! What a difference! Your teeth look amazing! I am a tea drinker and have some light stains. I need to try this!

  26. Lorna | 2nd Aug 18

    Wow that really whitened your teeth! They look great!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  27. Tina | 1st Aug 18

    What a great review. You can really see a difference between the before and after photos!


  28. heather noire | 1st Aug 18

    I loved this review it is perfect and your pics are lovely 🙂

  29. Brooke | 1st Aug 18

    I’ve used this kit in the past and loved the results. Your teeth look great!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  30. Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies | 1st Aug 18

    I drink coffee and eat dark chocolate! I can’t give them up!! This worked great on your teeth Maureen – thanks for the review – I might have to try this! xx

  31. Jessica A Jannenga | 1st Aug 18

    Great post Maureen! Your results were great! I worked with them previously and love that I have the treys and can order the gel srynges any time. I will usually whiten before an event or a special holiday.. several times a year. Great product! You look lovely!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  32. Elsie | 31st Jul 18

    Sounds great Maureen! I’ve always wanted to whiten but so scared of the pain. I have very sensitive teeth. I might just have to give this a try!

    Elsie |

  33. Ada | 31st Jul 18

    Thank you for a honest review sweetheart. I need to start a teeth whitening kit, soon. Love that fun laceup chambray shirt, too. Looking cute as always Maureen. =)

    Welcome join my Tuesdays monthly linkup. It is the last Tuesday of every month, also join my Thursday Moda every week and share your beautiful style, Thanks!! =)) Ada.

  34. Rama Issa | 31st Jul 18

    This is an Amazing result. I love whitening treatment at home. however, I am always hesitant about its effectiveness. You encouraged me to try. Thank you so much for this awesome review 🙂

  35. Ruth | 30th Jul 18

    I have used smile brilliant and I love how white my teeth are! They are really a great company!

  36. Godisable Jacob | 30th Jul 18

    wow girl this is nice
    Thanks for this lovely post

  37. Amy Arnold | 30th Jul 18

    I am the same way you are! I love waking up before my daughter with coffee! Your teeth look great with this.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  38. Emma Peach | 30th Jul 18

    I used Smile Brilliant last year and was really pleased with the results – I need to get some more because I love coffee too! Your teeth look great!

    Emma xxx

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