Monthly Ramblings #11

It’s been a while since I have done a monthly ramblings post. The last one was in December 2023, so I wanted to check in and talk about what’s going on in my neck of the woods.  

Let’s go!

March Highlights

10th Birthday

In March, my son turned 10 years old! #how

Generally, when it comes to his birthday, I put considerable thought into selecting a theme, planning, and decorating for it.  But this year, I wanted to do something different.  Instead of throwing him a party, I wanted to give him something that he will always remember.  So, later this year, we will be traveling to the East Coast for his birthday surprise.  But even though my son wasn’t going to have a party, I couldn’t let his special day pass by without celebrating it.  After all, it’s his birthday and he deserved a special treat! 

That said, every year, I get him a birthday cake and this year was no different.  

Enter, this adorable ice cream train cake roll from Baskin-Robbins.  Not only is it playful, fun, and screams celebration, but it also tastes just as scrumptious as it looks! It was perfect for my little train lover.  I’ll share a quick review of this cake and recap of how we celebrated on the blog for the memories in a later post! In the meantime, #staytuned


For Easter, we attended an event at one of our local parks.  It was a beautiful day to be outside and connect with the community.  There was face painting, bouncy houses, balloon animals, an egg hunt, and so much more.  My son was so excited to find so many Easter eggs! 

April Highlights

Carquinez Toy Train Museum

All aboard! 

If your kid is like mine and has train on the brain, then the Carquinez Toy Train Museum is something to see.  It is located in Croquett, CA.  Inside, they have a two-story large model train layout where several classic toy trains and operational trains run on multiple tracks through elaborate landscape year-round.  Additionally, you can also see and explore the museum’s collection of old model trains and railroad equipment.  But that’s not all, under supervision, visitors can come to the museum and run some of the trains! How cool is that?

Spring Concert

Every year, my son’s school puts on a spring concert, where all the classrooms get to perform their dances/routines for friends and family.  His classroom did so good, and I enjoyed watching the kids perform. 

May Highlights

Longchamp Bags

My brother had a business trip in April to the East Coast and my dad joined him.  They went to Boston then New York.  When I picked them up from the airport, I was shocked (in a good way) to receive not one but two Longchamp bags!

Last Day of School

The school year has officially ended and it’s wild how much our son has grown and changed over the past year.  Of course, I had to take “last day of school” pictures to capture the milestone.  

Shopping Ramblings


I was not always good with sun protection, and it wasn’t until I worked as a school supervision assistant that I took it seriously.  Since then, I’ve prioritized my skin’s health, and I am very conscious about applying SPF to my face every day.  The Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen was one of the products that I’d heard about for quite some time, and to be honest, I hesitated with using this because of the hype.  But several months ago, I decided to give it a try.  I am happy to report that this product totally blew me away.  It is a must have for me now and I never leave home without it.  I love that it’s lightweight, absorbs quickly into the skin, and doesn’t leave any white residue or greasiness.  


Neck Fan

In related news, I bought this last summer to use while at work hoping it would help and I am so glad I did because it’s been a life saver! I really don’t know how I would have survived the scorching summer heat without this.  Not only does this fan help keep me cool and give me instant relief from the relentless heat but it’s the best 25 bucks I have spent!  

In terms of function, it has three different fan settings and has a rechargeable battery that can last up to 4-16 hours.  This neck fan is also lightweight, comfortable, and easy to use.  Simply put it around your neck and choose one of the three fan speed.  


Shein Embroidered Eyelet Fit and Flare Dress

If you’re like me and have a few events and trips coming up this summer, then you need a dress or two.  I ordered this dress to wear for a later trip this season, but I didn’t want to wait for our vacation to wear it. #noselfcontrol  So, I wore it for Mother’s Day.  I love that it’s different than anything I have.  It has beautiful eyelet embroidery detail on it and looks so high end in person.  Speaking of which, in case you missed it, I recently wrote an entire review about all the pros and cons of this dress if you want a full breakdown.  

On me: Dress | Shoes | Sunglasses | Bag

On my son: Shirt | Pants | Shoes | Sunglasses

Tory Burch Kira Camera Bag

I’d been on the hunt for a neutral handbag and ordered the moment I saw this.  I am working on a full review but what I can say is, this bag is such a beautiful take on a classic bag silhouette.  The stylish details on it add instant life to any look. So, if you’ve also been eyeing this bag, it is currently 35% off at Nordstrom.


Life Ramblings

In terms of life updates, let’s kick things off with work!


For those of you that do not know, I now work three different positions within our local school district.  While I enjoy and feel fulfilled in the work that I am doing, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the past few months have felt like a roller coaster ride of sorts.  There are times where I feel like I am thriving and others where I am simply surviving.  That said, May 31st was my last day of work and I am officially in summer mode.  Let the lazy days begin!


That said, ever since I started working, my relationship with blogging has ebbed and flowed.  Since I have a lot more responsibility at my day job, it has meant that I don’t have the brain space after work to dedicate to it.  And when I do have free time outside of work, I often give myself a pass on blogging to focus on other important things.  

As such, one thing I’ve started to think a lot lately is if I want to continue blogging.  On one hand, I love creating content and writing posts.  I’ve documented everything from outfits, family milestones, vacation recap, luxury purchases and more.  On the other hand, it’s a lot of work and time consuming.  Given that, I want to be intentional with my time and choose the best things to fill it with.   

But rather than pull the plug on six years of work, I decided to step away and take a blog break. Now that summer is here, I figured that it is the perfect time to do so. By hitting the pause button, it’ll be a great way to refresh, recharge, and refocus.


Speaking of which, I understand time with every single loved one is finite.  Despite the distance, I cherish every moment I still get with my grandma. 


Lastly, we are moving! 

Yep.  You read that correctly.  It’s a long story of how this all came about, and my heart is filled with a lot of emotions, about way too many things but that’s another discussion for another day.  For now, the clock is ticking, and I am doing my best to soak up our time here before embarking on a new chapter in this book – we call life.  

How have you been? What’s one highlight or favorite product that has made you smile recently?

*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you).  

**Additionally, some items linked above are not the exact item shown because it is either old or sold out, but I linked similar items for those that are unavailable.  


  1. Laura Side Street | 25th Aug 24

    Happy 10th birthday to your son! Sounds like you have had a really action-packed month with so many adventures. The train museum looks like it was a fantastic day out

    Laura Side Street x

  2. Alexa | 18th Aug 24

    I grew up going to that train museum! It’s a lot of fun!

  3. Amber | 27th Jul 24

    Checking in since I haven’t seen any posts for a bit – I hope your move went well and that you and your family are settling into your new home!

    I hope you are having a great week so far!



    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

  4. Bojana Krienke | 24th Jul 24

    Congratulations on returning to work. I totally get it! I took a two month break in spring because family, work, and life was too good but also extremely busy. It was a wonderful break and although I missed aspects, I really didn’t miss trying to juggle all the things and feeling pressure (placed by me on me) all the time. Enjoy the summer! What does your job entail? Also, happy belated birthday to your son. He continues to love trains and it makes me wonder if he will follow that as a passion for a career at some point.. You just never know.

  5. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom | 20th Jun 24

    I really love SuperGoop! too, that is one of my fave sunscreens and I also love the Tula one in a yellow bottle. Oh, that train museum is so cool! My son would have loved that when he was younger.


  6. Laura | 20th Jun 24

    Happy belated birthday to your son! That train museum looks so fun! I hope your move goes well!

  7. Amber | 19th Jun 24

    Your mom and me outfits are always so good! I also love the nostalgia of a Baskin & Robbins ice cream cake. You literally can never go wrong, they are always a hit!

    I hope you are having a great week so far!



    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

  8. NancyC | 19th Jun 24

    I love that train cake–that is just too cute!!!:)

  9. Jill | 19th Jun 24

    Happy Birthday to your son! You always have the cutest birthday party ideas! The train museum looks fun! Love your new Longchamp bags!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  10. Joanne | 15th Jun 24

    That cake is adorable! I have been seeing lots of those neck fans around this summer. Good luck on the move.

  11. mireille | 14th Jun 24

    We just returned from our summer vacation. We left less than 48 hours after my oldest graduated high school. Now it is time to have some low key fun and a few camps. I think the summer will go by fast.
    Love your yellow outfits: so cute! Hope the move goes well.

  12. Kim Carberry | 14th Jun 24

    A very happy belated birthday to your son. It sounds like a great celebration! His cake is so cute!
    The toy train museum looks like so much fun, what a great place to visit!
    I love that yellow dress, it looks so good on you and your son’s matching outfit is just perfect!

  13. Kathrine Eldridge | 14th Jun 24

    Congrats on your new move! Your son is growing up so fast and loving all your new bags. Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you back here in the fall with all the new updates!

  14. Anna | 14th Jun 24

    I really enjoyed reading this post. So many different things were happening, I am surprised how you managed to keep a tab on them. Happy milestone birthday to your son, he looks all grown up. Good luck with your moving, Please keep us updated. Anna

  15. Nikki Wayne | 13th Jun 24

    I can see that you have a lot of activities this March. I’m sure you are really happy that month.

  16. Ashley | 13th Jun 24

    So many exciting things in the spring and early summer to wrap up the school year!

    I totally get where you’re at re: blogging; when work takes up so much energy (creative and otherwise), it’s hard to find the juice to give to the blog!

    I hope you have a lovely break and can’t wait to hear more about the move!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  17. Fransic verso | 11th Jun 24

    That’s awesome you ordered what you wanted for a handbag. And hope you guys enjoyed the easter event as well. Adventurous and fun seems, reading through your post.

  18. Richard Lowe | 11th Jun 24

    Love these ramblings about life. Also love the photos. Keep up the great work.

  19. Melanie E | 11th Jun 24

    It’s great to have an update. Happy Birthday to your little man. I’m think I saw something about that before. I love those Longchamp bags, they’re both gorgeous. I could do with one of the large ones.

  20. pedja | 11th Jun 24

    I love your Easter activities, and the neck fan, wow, never heard of it before. I am always suspicious when it comes to small cooling devices. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Ramil Hinolan | 10th Jun 24

    You’ve had such a busy few months! Taking a blog break to recharge is definitely a smart move.

  22. Catherine Kay | 10th Jun 24

    Thanks for your update! I enjoyed reading it, especially the part about choosing the best things for your time.

  23. Marysa | 10th Jun 24

    You guys have been keeping busy! It looks like you have had a lovely springtime. Always so stylish!

  24. Ebony | 10th Jun 24

    Looks like you had an amazing past few months! The rest of year is going to be amazing for you and the family!

  25. Kat | 10th Jun 24

    Your monthly ramblings offer such a personal insight into everyday life. It’s like catching up with a friend over coffee, sharing thoughts and experiences. Keep sharing your authentic voice – it’s what makes your blog so special!

  26. barbie ritzman | 10th Jun 24

    Looks like you had a lot of fun! The beach, some fun with your son. And some adult time with the peach drink!!

  27. Michelle | 10th Jun 24

    It sounds like April was a really great month for you and your family! I loved reading about all the awesome things you guys got up to.

  28. Claudia | 10th Jun 24

    Aww. I’m so happy you got to see your grandma! She looks like such a sweet lady. I love that smile!

  29. Beth | 10th Jun 24

    Oh, wow. You certainly packed a lot into the month. The train museum looks like a ton of fun!

  30. Renata Feyen | 10th Jun 24

    Seems like a lot happened in your life. Having your sun turn 10 is such a big event. I have an 8 year old granddaughter, so not that far from 10 either

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